When a tourist asked me where the National Museum is last Saturday, I suddenly felt that I really should do a proper touring around my own hometown. Hmm considering that I should be in SG for a year plus due to my commitment with the zoo (and the fact that I might try Nparks after my commitments are stabilized), it should be sufficient for me to tour around my hometown slowly haha.
Travel Details:
Nearest MRT: In between Raffles Place MRT Station and Chinatown MRT Station
Anyway 2 Fridays ago, I decided to try to find Windows Café (trying to cheer myself up that time). It was supposedly on No. 3 Club Street. Thus my friend and I alighted at Raffles Place MRT Station to walk down. On the way, the sun was setting down very nicely. The sky was bluish with pinkish and purplish clouds. At that time, I wished I had a proper camera, and yet I wondered if even with it, can I capture such beautiful sight. My friend said that nothing could replace the eye in seeing and capturing certain scenes. And I pondered about the gift of sight that was given to me. Maybe it was because I was troubled about my vision that period that I treasured it more. And I thought more about blindness, in a sense it might sounds weird but I did thought if I ever got blind, I must not be too upset because once upon a time, I had been introduced to the many beautiful sights before.
On the way, passed by a night market (reminded me of the night markets in Taiwan, except this is really mini in nature) and the food street. Was telling my friend there should be a food street nearby when it suddenly appeared haha... The last time I visited this place was during my uni days...
Anyway it took a long time before we finally found club street. However we walk in and out of Club Street 3 times without even seeing Windows Café. After awhile, we realized that Windows Café had actually closed down and replaced with Seven on Club (quite sometime as I went home to check Seven on Club). The sidewalk tables still seems familiar, and I saw those old buildings with spiral stairs, and roam the streets where they roamed. But did not find the building where they could see the high rise buildings. Anyway I ended up refusing to eat there because it seems quite high end and I did not want to splurge. Thought of going back food street but I was lazy so ended up eating in some vegetarian restaurant along the way back, which I highly doubt I will ever go back there again.
Thus end the search of my Windows Café, which supposedly should be upset that I did not get a chance to eat there but somehow to find it, I’m happy already. Besides I feel everything is fated, like the events that happened in the next few days…
I had a French test the next day where we took a photo for memento sake (and for publication), thankfully I did not really fail. Then I finally went to the gym, the first time since I did Lasik. Sunday came and I had my amazing race in the zoo (Oh and do visit grasstales.blogspot.com for updates on my zoo training). And I had my commencement on Monday. Sounds like I should be drained out by then thus I guess that’s why the initial plan was to have my medical review on Tuesday (where I can get MC too). But I postponed it (before I realized I had side effects) because I needed to help my DM run some reports while he was away on that day.
Somehow it seems right that I should postpone it to Friday though. Because I happen to end up in a wine session on a Thursday evening. Haha, tested 2 white wine and 6 red wine although I still don’t know how to differentiate them. But at least I learnt some terms e.g. vintage actually refer to the year the wine is made. I didn’t really finish any wine but when the event ended, I kinda got light-headed. Hmm it has been a long time since I last got light-headed. Still remember the advice my friend gave me that time was to go to the ladies to get rid of the alcohol. Now that I’m blogging about it, I’m tempted to try to get drunk.. maybe at home’s comfort.
I did manage to make my way home and I did not get any hangover the next day so it can be considered that I’m not drunk yet haha. Before my medical review, I made a trip to my secondary school with a friend and realized my school changed a lot. There was a new building replacing the old school block. For a moment I thought they tore down the tower too but at least they did retain it albeit some repaint work. The stadium was exactly the same though.. gosh it bring back memories ...
Anyway my friend and I had a good time seeing our teachers again. However I had the 岁月不饶人 feeling.. and that the only constant is change... but it should be change for the better since the facilities got better.
Then on Saturday, it was the 24 hours coding contest which I had joined last year too. Unfortunately this year, somehow GA only wanted me to stay over once that I had to choose between zoo and coding.. and I ended up choosing the zoo's event (yeah visit grasstales.blogspot.com for more details again heehee). Which seems fated as my other 2 friends were busy too.
Ok I should conclude this post. Hmm as mentioned earlier, I think I must find time to visit the National Museum now that I know where it is. And I still have not tried the hot air balloon (ever since I know it got another extension, I procrastinated haha). Had wanted to watch Ballet under the Stars but I still haven't study for my test this Sunday so I guess I have to strike that out already. Sigh I have been delaying to study because I told myself to reply a particular email only after I study.. tsk tsk.. I can be so incorrigible. Just as I think I might decide to go Pahang - Berkelah waterfall with my friend next weekend to refrain myself from wondering about SingFest... Afterall it so happen my keeper attachment is on the following week and I did not sign up for a second attachment (wanted to initially but decided to keep it free.. guess it's another 人算不如天算).. Yeah I will discuss with my parents tomorrow...
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