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Sunday, February 24, 2008

Random Musing

I had finished watching TOB. 42 episodes... Maybe because I know the ending is sad, which suits my mood.

I kind of give up already. Even though I still send an email to TA to ask for clarifications. I guess I will only do the tidy up next Saturday already. I need to settle other stuff that I kept postponing already. Besides keep going to lab makes me sick...

Anyway when I left the lab, I had to go to the lib to get a book. And I passed by the bus stop which had an accident yesterday. 2 guards were there, maybe to inspect something. Maybe because it was dark already, maybe due to my mood, but seeing the bus stop, I couldn't help feeling sad. After I finish borrowing my book, I walked back to the bus stop just as they walk back to their office. And I overheard them saying maybe it is fate. I guess so. As mentioned, life is indeed fragile. Who will expect a freak accident to claim 3 lives. And it is indeed true that bus stop tends to have students waiting for internal shuttle bus. Guess it is pure luck that no students were there at that time. Seeing the fallen trees ... sighz

I remember yesterday's article in MyPaper by Anna Thomas - “Busy? It’s just a great escape”. She mentioned that "I’m busy” are the rudest words in the English language.

Claiming to be busy implies that one is capable of utilizing time, but that time is reserved for issues more important that the person one is speaking with.

Guess one should not keep claiming to be busy, in view that life is fragile.

He who is too busy doing good finds no time to be good.
- Tagore

I just want to finish my tasks come Monday... I'm grateful for the term break.