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Friday, February 29, 2008

Leap Musing

It took me 21 hours later to register in my mind that today is 29th Feb 2008 which is supposedly “significant”. I remember the DJ mention Leaplings which I just acknowledge as a common phrase.. guess I was busy.

Then when I came back, my friend had mentioned something about the leap year which I replied him instinctively while watching Linger…

Only when I was searching for the blood donation advertisement print and chanced upon this paragraph

In Irish Tradition, the Leap Day is the only day that women are allowed to propose a marriage to a man. It is because the Leap Day exists only once in 4 years. Besides, today if a man is ever asked by a woman for a date, the man is not supposed or allowed to reject the date.

Then suddenly it hit upon me that today is a significant day. I got curious to know what I had blogged 4 years ago. Unfortunately I did not blog anything. Feb 2004, is my last sem of my undergrad years. It is a coincidence that 4 years later, I’m at my last sem of my postgrad years. Haha I might have skip school one week to go Australia with my family that time as I remember there wasn’t a term break for that sem because the school actually thought we do not need a break. Luckily the SU make a fuss and got back the term break in the following academic year though by then, I grad already.

Hmm but seriously I don’t feel any significance. Just glad that I managed to rekindle back some fire and clear some stuff. And grateful for the term break. And worried that I might not be capable enough. And aching and sleepy due to my cough that interrupted my sleep and hurt my back. Zzzzz

p/s: I still cannot find the advertisement. Hmm wanted to comment about it and share about the XBox ad.. too bad!