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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

An Hour to Live, An Hour to Love

If you had one hour to live and could make just one phone call, who would it be to, what would you say, and why are you waiting?
- Stephen Levin

It is a very short book. Thus I actually finished reading it in MPH last Sunday. I know it is bad to the author for not buying the book just that I really don't have space to keep books for the time being...

Anyway it taught me what I already know - Do not procrastinate. However the love letter to the wife is very poignant. Luckily he wrote this letter on their 18th wedding anniversary, such that when he did depart from the world suddenly 3 years later, there are no words left unsaid between them. I guess this is why I chose to carry out certain actions.. so that when I depart suddenly, at least I have lesser regrets.

However my question is, “If I had one hour to live, would I make a phone call?” I think I most probably end up blogging, to say my last words. At least I can properly say goodbyes to those who care for me.

Sighz I think the Queen in Goong-S is making me melancholic. Her relationship with the guy seems so helpless. Their disparity in background, their obligations to the society all seems like major obstacles to their past relationship. I still remember her asking the guy, can he understand her position. Can he? She is the Queen, shouldering a heavy burden. Can she just give up her throne? If she has an hour to love, what will she do?

(Sidenote, I was suddenly reminded of what my lecturer mention about the 3 philosophy for Case Study Research – Positivism, Interpretivism and Critical. Critical approach is someone who tends to take the minority view… I’m quite entranced by that area… After what the lecturer shared, I suddenly thought of wanting to be a case study researcher. At least there might be a chance they send me to overseas to research on a contemporary trend e.g. Google working environment.. that would be so cool!)