Ms. Shenton from MyPaper mentioned something interesting today. She asked if you are a Renter or an Owner of your work.
Characteristics of Renter:
• They always complain if things go wrong and expect someone to solve it
• They never suggest solutions
• They ignore problems, and do not lend a helping hand
• They tends to get eliminated or will never be promoted
Characteristics of Owner:
• They don’t grumble, they just help
• They don’t really discuss the injustice felt
• They treasure every milestones, and are forward looking, not backward looking
• They are concerned with the possibilities of the future, not what should the past has been
Ms. Shenton had given an example that if you are driving a rented car, you will just drive till you realized the petrol level is low, only then you would head to a petrol station. However if you own the car, you will first make sure there is sufficient petrol before you embark on your journey.
Based on the characteristics, it is obvious that we should be an Owner of our work. But this is not so clear cut as yes, I will suggest or yes, I will just do my work. Most of us are a mixture of the two. If I had been driving a rented car, I will still check the petrol first. But that is because I will worry that I cannot find a petrol station. And it is known that I tend to grumble, because I need to vent anger at times. If everything is bottled up, I will really end up somewhere else already. So am I a renter or an owner? Hmm maybe I am a renter...
Budget 2025: $5billion more for reclamation and coastal protection
Another $5 billion will be injected into the Coastal and Flood Protection
Fund. For solutions including sea walls, tidal gates and reclamation. For
3 days ago
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