Source : Eugene Loh, A Slice of Life, 938LIVE, a station of MediaCorp Radio
When you feel upset, discouraged or out of control, do you feel the desire to clean? Well, I don't, but when I do try it, it often works for me. There's a deep connection between our personal environment and our innermost selves. Our senses reach deep, and those same senses also feel our surroundings. So is it possible that by shifting the arrangement of our belongings we can re-arrange the molecules of our emotional lives as well?
When our homes become cluttered and disordered, other aspects of our lives also tend to feel stuck. A cluttered home reflects a distracted and cluttered mind, and it also makes it hard to focus and think clearly. It gets easier to put on hold decisions that could put you back in control of your life. Eventually, we give up. The task seems overwhelming, and the clutter is so pervasive that we can't decide where to begin.
Clutter saps your energy and erodes your spirit. Clutter makes it difficult to get things done, enjoy peace and quiet, or spend time the way you really want to. It adds to your stress, slows you down and drains your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual strength. Clutter makes you lose your focus, and that makes you lose your confidence and power as well.
On an energetic level, all this stuff is preventing a clear vision of self. Anything that is neglected, unwanted, or unappealing to you will drag your energy down every time you look at it. Even a beautiful object of great value does nothing for you or your home if you don't like it. So if you don't love it, get it out of sight.
Look around you. If you could only choose ten items to live with for the rest of your life, what would they be? When you're considering this question, ask yourself - What do they really do for you? Do they empower you? Are they motivating you to improve yourself?
Everything that surrounds you should be working for you in some way. If the things in your space are not supporting you and contributing to the positive quality of your life, it is time to do something about it!
The defeat, fatigue, and depression that you feel when you think about your clutter will start to evaporate as soon as you put yourself in action. The hard part is getting started, but once you do the magic will begin.
Clutter-clearing creates space for us to discover our true path in life and to define who we want to become. With this new vision we can consciously choose to surround ourselves with objects and imagery that reflect and support our authentic concept of self.
Bflygal's comments:
I know I am in need of some spring cleaning. And I told Heaven, once I settled it, I will clean up my room. But as the days go by, my heart gets heavier. Maybe I am suppose to clean my room to see things more clearly? Tired...
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