Source: Digital Life (July 24 2007)
Author: Grace Chng
Tomorrow’s workers will not just work, they expect to chat, watch videos and listen to music – during office hours.
Indeed the author cannot be so right about this phenomenon. Lately I was discussing with my colleague about work efficiency. He said nobody can work 90% efficiently, not even a new guy with bursting enthusiasm or one who is subjected to probation.
At first I thought it impossible as it is a known fact that most forty-something managers would expects nothing but 100%. Ok that is exaggerating but I am definitely sure they do not tolerate any of those multi-tasks that had just been mentioned.
As I pondered, I finally realised why a colleague of mine used to be unable to fathom why we could not spend 100% of our time working. That is until we “convert” her and showed her why sometimes chatting is a necessary evil. It allows one to take a break without being too obvious.
And no wonder why people used to “envy” me listening to music. I never knew it is an act of multi-task that would render me as “not working 100%”. I just knew I had to listen to music. Because I belong to the era where I watch TV, chat over the internet and do my homework. Don’t ask me how I multi-task, I just do it. Haha. (Talking about that, lately a colleague was telling me that she can watch 4 different animes at one shot due to some equipment.. I forgot what though. And I was like so amazed because if there is anything I cannot multi-task, it is watching more than 1 animes or movies at one go. If only I can master that skill…)
The author had also mentioned that the 2 undergraduates (Tay Kang Xun and Ma Weiyi) while researching had collated a thick pile of information and put it up in wiki before seeking permission. Haha so typical teenagers! But it shows that we have now reach an era where we blog, we post in forums and most importantly, we READ these stuff. Thus what we post can and will influence consumers or business partners.
Well companies can try to block such sites but this is not going to make us work only. We will always find something else to do when we get bored. Trust me!
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