Source : IMDB
Initially I thought I will not be able to catch this movie. Because the movie screenings dated till 18th July before I left for Tokyo and I wondered when I’m back, will I be able to catch it. Then when I’m back, my friend could not make up her mind if she wants to watch with me or her sister haha. And friends told me that this movie is bad. In the end, we did catch the movie.
I have to say that this movie is darker than Goblet of Fire. Harry Potter ended up more depressed, more irritable, weirder than normal. In fact I think he will continue this attitude until The Deathly Hallows. The whole story has turned dark to the extent that sometimes you will cry aloud if the “Sky” has “Eyes” (I am watching 倚天屠龙记/Heaven Sword & Dragon Sabre so lately 感触良多)
Anyway I don’t think I will review the movie. Just want to record some quotes that I found amusing or meaningful. Warning, it may contain spoilers for both the movie (though most would have watched it in cinema and those who are waiting for the DVD will not mind already haha) and the 7th book – The Deathly Hallows (which I had speed read and will need to read it more properly when I have time, hopefully before school reopens).
Ron Weasley: [walks up to Hermione] Don't worry, I'll go easy on you.
Hermione Granger: [to Ron sarcastically] Oh, thank you Ronald!
>> They were supposed to practise stunning spells on each other and Ron tried to act clever when everybody knows Hermione is an expert in spells. However it surprises me that till TDH, she still did not master the patronus spell. Maybe that spell is conjured with happy thoughts thus it deals with the emotional aspect more than a spell aspect. Anyway as expected, Hermione is much faster than Ron and Ron ended up saying he was just giving way to her.
Harry Potter: [teaching the DA] Stunning is one of the most important spells in your arsenal. It's sort of a wizard's bread and butter really.
>> I did not know stunning spell is so important until it was mentioned again in TDH. Harry Potter had used a disarming charm on one of his opponent and had ended up disclosing his true identity (It’s a long story before that…. Read the book if you must know). The elders then scolded him because even if he is soft hearted, he should have at least used the stunning charm if he doesn’t want to kill them. No wonder in the whole book, the most commonly used spell is the stunning spell.
Luna Lovegood: [petting a Thestral's beak] They're called Thestrals, they're really not bad but people avoid them because they're...
Harry Potter: different...
>> When you see Thestral, you will feel quite sad for them actually. I can’t really remember the actual description in the book though.
Severus Snape: [watches a touching memory between Harry and Sirius] I may vomit.
Dolores Umbridge: [during an inspection] You applied first for the Defense Against the Dark Arts post, is that correct?
Severus Snape: Yes.
Dolores Umbridge: But you were unsuccessful?
Severus Snape: [with annoyance in voice] Obviously.
>> Snape can be quite cynical… and when he is cynical, it can be quite funny haha.
Harry Potter: This connection between me and Voldemort, what if the reason for it is that I'm becoming more like him. I just feel so angry, all the time. And what if after everything I've been through, something's gone wrong inside me. What if I'm becoming bad.
Sirius Black: I want you to listen to me very carefully Harry. You're not a bad person. You're a very good person, who bad things have happened to. You understand?
[Harry nods his head]
Sirius Black: Besides, the world isn't split into good people and Death Eaters. We have all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the power we choose to act on. That's who we really are.
>> Sirius really made sense. Is like what the 三字经 mentioned人之初,性本善。Like Yang Guo, his father may be bad but he has a sense of justice. Because of the power he chose. (Haha I think I’m getting very cheena lately.. watch/play too much Jin Yong stories) Anyway throughout the whole storyline, Harry Potter kept struggling to be good/bad, to be selfish/unselfish. Especially in TDH when even Albus couldn’t match his range of unselfishness. In fact when I read Albus' past, I was astonished. As usual J.R. Rowling has a way to amaze the readers. The only sad part is I really hated the style she used in the ending. Too … clichéd I felt.
Harry Potter: How come you're not at the feast?
Luna Lovegood: Lost all my possessions. Apparently people have been hiding them.
Harry Potter: That's awful!
Luna Lovegood: Oh it's all good fun, but as it's the last night, I really do need them back.
Harry Potter: Do you want any help finding them?
Luna Lovegood: I'm sorry about your godfather, Harry.
[clasps his hand comfortingly]
Harry Potter: Are you sure you don't want any help looking?
Luna Lovegood: That's alright. Anyway my Mum always said, things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end
[looks up at a pair of sneakers hanging from the ceiling]
Luna Lovegood: ...if not always in the way we expect. I think I'll just go have some pudding.
>> Things we lose have a way to come back to us in the end. So can I have my card back? Sighz… lately I keep losing stuff / money for no apparent reason other than it is SOLELY my fault.
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