Latest Art Work

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


In 下一站彩虹, I remember Myolie drew a picture of the mermaid while telling the story to a group of children. Although the story she told was not exactly what I remember (though I can't remember the difference), but it ended the same. Mermaid became an air faerie. Only those who read the Hans Anderson story will remember this true ending. The rest of the children most probably only remember the happy ending that Disney had created. And somehow might have lost the message Hans Anderson wanted to convey.

Anyway out of the blue, I decided to try drawing mermaid. Maybe drawing is not a right word. I rarely draw, usually I need reference. Just that this time I chose to reference Moe Nagata another character and abit of Myolie's drawing to come up with this picture. And I added the wings to signify the transition of mermaid turning into an air faerie (and sadly losing her tail). I do wonder if only mermaid can have wings and tail at the same time. But I guess it will look a tad too weird.

"With each good child she finds she subtracts a year, while she adds a day for each tear she must shed over a wicked child"

I have always wondered why I like mermaid though. Maybe because she is different. She has a curious mind, always checking out on human stuff and wondering what are they for. Her thinking is so much different from her other sisters. That is why she stood out. That is why a story was conceptualised.

While on the topic of "different", Happy Feet was dwelling on that topic too. Mumble was an outcast since young because he cannot sing. And they condemn his tap dancing skills which was amazingly good. They just couldn't see someone with a different ability from them. Ironically, it was the tap dancing that caught the human attention . Afterall everybody understands or enjoys tap dancing right?

I love musical movies and enjoyed Happy Feet very much. The songs were lovely. Actually Little Mermaid songs were lovely too. Haha...