Today, I decided to check out Cruz Teng's blog for fun, only to realise that he actually uploaded the drama 暗巷 in his Xanga. I spend the whole morning to figure out how to extract the mp3, only to realise that IE can do it easily for me... Dumb! Another thought came into my mind though, what if I had used IE7.0, will it be that easy still? Have to test it out at home when I remember.
Anyway I was trying to extract the song that he composed haha. Even though it is just a partial song, but it sounded very nice. Very soft, melodious feeling. The lyrics is simple and yet you can feel the helplessness.
Oh this story is quite interesting. The story is based on 吴淡如's 在暗巷的尽头相逢. The background is in the hospital, where a lady doctor faces the woman who breaks up her family and took away her dad. The irony is the doctor is now a third party in another relationship. Sometimes life can be so paradoxical.
Here is the lyrics of Cruz Teng's song (copied from his site) :
爱情面前 我异常无助
没人倾诉 我只好装酷
是自己天空 还是他人介入
晴朗天空 顿时乌云密布
心里有数 要自我保护
越陷越深 我执迷不悟
是自己不让步 或是自愿盲目
这把赌注 让快乐从此落幕
面对 出局的红卡
此时 只能装聋作哑
淡然一句 做朋友吧
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