I was talking to my friend about Yu Sheng (鱼生) and she told me that when we pour the ingredients, we have to say a certain specific phrase. But neither of us could remember what the phrases are. So she search and found an article on it. Haha...
1. A bowl of cooking oil (万事如意 May all things happen according to your wishes)
2. A bowl of plum sauce (金玉滿堂 May all your hallways be filled with gold and jade)
3. Five spices powder (鴻運當頭 May good luck be ahead of you)
4. Lime juice (大吉大利 Best of luck & prosperity)
5. Salmon fish (年年有餘 May you receive good tidings in abundance year after year)
6. Shredded turnip & carrot (風生水起 May your fortune rise with the wind & tide)
7. Golden brown flour chips (遍地黃金 May the ground your tread on be covered with gold)
As you are about to start the tossing you'll have to say 新年发财,生意兴隆,万事如意,越捞越高!May all see their fortune rise higher with each toss!
Feel like eating Yu Sheng now.. yum yum. Think lately see a lot of new year goodies, starting to salivate already haha.
Budget 2025: $5billion more for reclamation and coastal protection
Another $5 billion will be injected into the Coastal and Flood Protection
Fund. For solutions including sea walls, tidal gates and reclamation. For
3 days ago
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