Be With You (いま、会いにゆきます Ima, Ai ni Yukimasu 2004)
I remember this movie because of the Teru Teru Bozu doll (てるてるぼうず "shiny-shiny Buddhist priest"). It is a little traditional hand-made doll made of white paper or cloth that farmers in Japan will hang outside their window by a string. This amulet is said to bring good weather and to stop or prevent a rainy day. "Teru" is a Japanese verb which describes sunshine, and a "bōzu" is a Buddhist monk The doll is not cute but I had wanted to watch it because of its attachment to rain.
2nd Jan 2007. Happen to be a public holiday today. And that my brother had to do duty. Thus I got to use his computer to burn stuff. So while burning up my stuff, I decided to clear some movie. And chose Ima, Ai ni Yukimasu. I actually had no idea what movie it was. Because my friend did not tell me what he gave me. He just asked me to watch.
When I saw that little doll that the little boy hang, I was pleasantly surprised. A movie I had wanted to watch long ago. The male lead is Nakamura Shidou who voiced for Ryuk in Death Note. He is so wooden in this show. So like his character. The female lead is Takeuchi Yuuko who acted in Ringu too. Ringu is the only horror show that I ever watched on TV. After that, I never watch another Japanese horror show because I really freaked out while watching that show.
Watching these 2 leads and the little boy, I really felt happy. A 6 day miracle, a lifelong romance. Their love story is sweet, simple and to the point. Plus it is the rainy season for Singapore this few weeks. I really felt connected to the movie. It is as if I am destined to watch this movie, to understand why Mio had chosen to fall in love with Takumi even though it meant she will die at the age of 28. Weirdly it did not rain the whole day while watching this movie. And I thought I heard rain. Maybe I had wanted rain today... and strangely, it really rained at night. Which gave me a strength to write this post first even though I have a few other draft posts.
I don't think I am very coherent in this post. Because I am still very affected by the movie. Oh and I love how understanding the teacher was towards the little boy. The rain had stopped... my writing will stop too.
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