A few months back, I did something very embarrassing. I had parked the car in my workplace and had switched off the air-conditioner; wind “up” the mirrors etc. I was about to take out the car key, but it refused to budge. I was wondering what happen. I checked my leg brake, it is depressed. I decided to maybe start the engine then switch it off again. But the engine refused to start. Gosh, I was wondering what I had done wrongly. I contemplated calling my dad because I knew he came back early in the morning due to his shift and if I disturb him, he might not be able to go back to sleep. In the end, I braced my strength and asked the guy besides me for help in removing the key. He tried once, scans the car and told me I forgot to put in parking gear. Imagine how embarrassed I was. He told me this is a safety feature for automatic cars. I thanked him profusely, locked the car and sped into my office.
The reason why I recalled this episode is because 2 things happen today that trigger this episodic memory. One is I saw the helpful colleague today. But I still don’t know who is he and which department he belongs because I only smile at him. Secondly, I did something embarrassing today (again). The alarm system had some problem previously and the car had to be manually locked / unlocked instead of using the car key to locked / unlocked. I remembered that day when it happened; I was once again wondering what I did wrong to the car again. That time, I had called my dad. But he declared the alarm system must have gone on strike.
Anyway this morning, I had manually unlocked the car forgetting the very important fact that my dad had sent the car for servicing last Friday. Thus the alarm system should be working already. I don’t remember him informing that, but it does not matter any more. By manually unlocking the car, I had accidentally triggered the car alarm. And the embarrassing thing is I do not know how to switch it off. Once again, I’m stuck in this dilemma of should I call my dad.
In the end, I chose to find this Malay taxi driver who was cleaning his car nearby. He taught me to press a button found on the key to silence the alarm. Once again, I felt embarrassed. And more so because remember, I had manually unlocked the car so this alarm keep getting triggered. He told me to check the door but I decided to do something else. I closed my door and locked the car using the key then unlocked the car using the key again. Finally the car stopped wailing. I felt so bad because it was 6.30 in the morning, I must have woken some neighbours. I was really grateful for this uncle and signalled my thanks when I drove out.
While driving, I realised I always had to learn some painful lessons from the car. Guess the car is a very stern master. Anyway on the way to work, I passed by 2 accidents which blocked lane 2 and 3. The 2 accidents were just a few kilometres away from each other, yet they had both blocked the same 2 lanes. Guess one must really be wide awake while driving. That is why every time I know I will be driving the next day, I try to go to sleep early. I want to be fully awake while on the road. But I think I was not fully awake still considering this morning episode. Another moment engraved in my mind.
Budget 2025: $5billion more for reclamation and coastal protection
Another $5 billion will be injected into the Coastal and Flood Protection
Fund. For solutions including sea walls, tidal gates and reclamation. For
4 days ago
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