吳克群 <將軍令> 男傭
作詞:吳克群 作曲:吳克群 編曲:奧斯卡
韓劇看太多 你最愛野蠻女友 巴掌巴不夠 活該倒楣的是我
怕你哭怕你淚流 怕到朋友唾棄我 我只是你的男傭
路上車太多 司機老吳來接送 健身健不夠 還要懂一點幽默
煮飯燒菜你不懂 洗衣擦地的粗活 全部都由我來做
#不管你站著 坐著 趴著 我在你左右
如果你累了 酸了 癱了 我幫你按摩
我做你的男傭 一天到晚上工 讓你越過越輕鬆
*不管你醒著 睡著 夢著 我在你左右
如果你氣了 哭了 悶了 我幫你按摩
我是你的男傭 一週全年無休 讓你越過越輕鬆
情話說太多 你嫌噁心又做作 假如說不夠 你又嫌我愛不多
到底要我怎麼做 拿本說明書給我 我只是你的男傭
Repeat #,*
常常一一歪歪嘰嘰喳喳嗶嗶巴巴 唸個不停就像女王
我也霹靂啪啦被你打個淅哩嘩啦 逆來順受為你投降
不管你站 坐 趴 我在你左右
如果你累 酸 癱 我幫你按摩
我做你的男傭 一天到晚上工 讓你越過越輕鬆
不管你醒著 睡著 夢著 我在你左右
如果你氣了 哭了 悶了 我幫你按摩
我是你的男傭 一週全年無休 讓你越過越輕鬆
Bflygal's comment : This is a very typical 有意插花花不开,无意栽柳柳成荫 example. I heard snippets of this song this morning. At that time I was too zombish to take note who the singer was and the songs he was introducing. Then when he introduced his next song, I heard 男拳 and was thinking maybe he meant guy as punch bag. Because he mentioned this song was written after watching 我的野蠻女友 and talks about guys who love to be tortured haha. The lyrics was really interesting and catchy, and I vowed to find the song the moment I reached office.
But I did not catch who the singer was, and I got the song title wrongly so of course I was on for a goose chase. Gave up after a few searches and decided to go find 光良最新单曲:I Am Who I Am 我就是我 because I read in newspaper that can download this song. Went to seedmusic.com and imagine I did not managed to find 光良 song (found a video where he talks about why he wrote that song though) but I found this song 120 seconds MV. Really shocked!
Anyway I'm happily listening to this song right now, at least it kinda wakes me up on a Wednesday morning.
Budget 2025: $5billion more for reclamation and coastal protection
Another $5 billion will be injected into the Coastal and Flood Protection
Fund. For solutions including sea walls, tidal gates and reclamation. For
3 days ago
wah your chinese suddenly very good sia, know how to use idioms leh, such a long one somemore, hahaha =p
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