Briefly: The time has come to reflect on the choices you have made along the way. This card shows that wrongs will be put right.
Full Reading: Whatever your past has brought to you, the time has come to reflect on the choices you have made along the way. Perhaps there were things you would rather not have done, and your are planning now to make amends for anything you would like to clear up once and for all. If there have been some people who have crossed you and brought you distress, you are now wise and mature enough to deal with it in an intelligent and abstract way. Your thoughts are on making things better and improving your relationships. If you have to go to a court of law around this time, the final decision will be one that is fair to you. This card shows that wrongs will be put right. You can assist this process by addressing those issues that had caused friction and pain in your life and make some headway towards a more harmonious relationship with those closest to you.
Bflygal's comments :
Lately I have been reflecting on my past but am unable to get any conclusion. I decided to seek tarot reading... but I did not want to be bogged by so many cards. Thus I chose a single card, and it happens to be justice. Interesting right. Considering you were actually clicking this card with your mouse. Did my guardian angel really answer my question for me? Justice. To right things. But I am still indecisive and confused.
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3 days ago
哈哈,曾經嘗試拿起一本tarot cards 入門瞧瞧,但看不到一分鈡就已經想昏昏慾睡了。因爲我挺相信,命運是掌握在自己手裏的,與其相信占卜朮數這些八卦的東西,倒不如自己努力點,去創造一個美好的未來吧!=D
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