Yesterday I was reading a past issue of Computer Times and came across the article where they discussed about hacking portrayed in movies.
They named a few not so good, the known one being Hackers (1995) and Swordfish (2001) because of the colourful graphics. Mission Impossible (1996) was also in the list because of the fake email address [Max@Job #:14] that Ethan Hunt was sending to. Haha, that was indeed funny because when I first taught my parents how to use email, they always could not recognise a valid email. Imagine emailing to because they mix up the web url with email address. But now they no longer make such mistake.
The good ones were the Matrix series because Trinity used nmap & another program which was fictitiously called “sshnuke” meant to exploit SSH.
Anyway I wrote this post because while reading that article, I was actually watching TVB Net Deception. And I thought about the password cracking screen that is shown when Wong Hee or Jack Wu were trying to hack and it is quite realistic. Oh I read that there was the webcam spying part too, which is also from an actual case. Too bad I missed that part because I was home late.
And I started thinking how many Chinese movies/TV serials dealt with hacking theme? How many were realistic? How about Singaporean productions, did we ever delve on this topic too? The problem is I don’t seem to have any deep impression on Chinese movies or TV series.
Budget 2025: $5billion more for reclamation and coastal protection
Another $5 billion will be injected into the Coastal and Flood Protection
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3 days ago
Hmm actually TVB has produced quite a few drama series revolving this theme but the most sophisticated one is still this Net Detection. =]
It is a pity that the show gets 國語配音 when you people watch it cos if you can appreciate the 原裝粵語 version, it is even more intense and exciting! =p
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