Source : Reader Digest
Do You Have a Male or Female Brain?
1) When someone gets upset can you see why?
(a) Yes, usually quite quickly.
(b) No, I often feel at sea.
2) If you were buying a car would you want specific details about its engine capacity?
(a) Not too much detail.
(b) Definitely.
3) How important are your relationships?
(a) Very important.
(b) Not a high priority.
4) When you’re doing DIY, do you cut corners to get the job done?
(a) Yes.
(b) No, I’m always meticulous.
5) How easy would you find it to explain something to someone else, if they hadn’t understood it first time?
(a) Very easy.
(b) Quite difficult.
6) What do you prefer to read?
(a) Features about relationships.
(b) Articles that are fact based.
7) Can you tell if someone wants to join in a conversation?
(a) I find it easy.
(b)I find it quite hard.
8) Do you find map reading easy?
(a) Quiet hard.
(b) Very easy.
9) How do you generally feel in social situations?
(a) I usually feel comfortable.
(b) I often feel like leaving.
10) How organised is your CD collection?
(a) Not at all.
(b) Highly.
11) If there was a problem with the wiring in your home, what would you do?
(a) Get someone else to fix it.
(b) Try to fix it myself.
12) How did you feel in maths lessons in school?
(a) I found numbers boring and disliked maths.
(b) I was intrigued by the rules governing numbers.
13) What do you think when you watch the weather forecast?
(a) Bored by the technical details.
(b) Interested in meteorological patterns.
14) Describe your attitude when you’re having a discussion.
(a) I can tell quickly if I’m putting my point across too forcefully.
(b) I’m sometimes unsure when enough is enough.
If you got more A’s than B’s (with a difference of more than 3), you have a female brain.
If you got more B’s than A’s (with a difference of more than 3), you have a male brain.
If you got a similar number of A’s and B’s (with a difference of less than 3), you have a balanced brain. << That's ME!
Budget 2025: $5billion more for reclamation and coastal protection
Another $5 billion will be injected into the Coastal and Flood Protection
Fund. For solutions including sea walls, tidal gates and reclamation. For
3 days ago
haha this is not good, I get 13 questions for one alphabet and only 1 for the other. But examining the whole test, I guess it is not a fair one cos one can easily guess the direction and manipulate the answers so that you get the desirable result you want.
Heehee this is definitely not a well-designed psychological test but it is always fun to treat it as a game. =]
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