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Thursday, November 16, 2006




总是不经意的想起 你喜欢哼的那首歌曲
一样温柔低吟 依旧牵动我的心
我曾经寻寻觅觅 想在文字里寻找爱情
才发现最美的诗句 原来都在你眸里

爱是你眼里的一首情歌 轻扬着飘逸旋律
让我不知不觉的陶醉在 你缠绕的深情
爱是你眼里的一首情歌 轻拨弄我的心弦

Bflygal's comment : I heard Guo Mei Mei's version yesterday, but I guess I still want to find the original singer (when I have time bah)... just that this line "爱是你眼里的一首情歌" haunts me frequently. I remember the first time I recalled this line, I had just woken up and was preparing to go to work or something. Weirdly, I did not even hear the song the previous day.. in fact I don't even remember when I ever heard this song because it is not the type of song to be played frequently on radio. On and off, this line will visit me out of the blue. Until yesterday when I happened to hear Guo Mei Mei's rendition of this song... Finally, I got to hear the whole song.