Wednesday, August 30, 2006
But seeing all those evidences that the fans snoop, I am really impressed. And is exactly the feel that I get when I was reading about MingEn. Gosh SunBin kinda make me forgot my addiction to MingEn (also got other factors e.g. MingEn lately also no news coz not fated "p)
While reading I chance upon someone analysing about 26 english letters to represent love. Went to do some research and felt that this article was written originally in chinese. The english word sometimes don't really fit the intended meaning. But this article is interesting that I wish it to be part of my blog/garbage.
Also I came to conclude that maybe the love I'm looking for is calm and soothing, not explosive type. Thus there is no reason to have too much love-hate feelings, crying scenes. As I said, different people chases different love. I know my friend also emphasis that point. But being a thinker, I can't stop thinking about my own actions and life while seeing others.
By the way, one of the lines I remember for My Lovely Sam-Soon was
"Man marry out of boredom, Woman marry out of curiosity. They both end up disappointed."
by Oscar Wilde
Gosh I hope it is not true manz!
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Four Seasons
and the youngest son in the fall.
When they had all gone and come back, he called them together to describe what they had seen.
The first son said that the tree was ugly, bent, and twisted. The second son said no it was covered with green buds and full of promise.
The third son disagreed; he said it was laden with blossoms that smelled so sweet and looked so beautiful, it was the most graceful thing he had ever seen.
The last son disagreed with all of them; he said it was ripe and drooping
with fruit, full of life and fulfilment.
The man then explained to his sons that they were all right, because they had each seen but only one season in the tree's life.
He told them that you cannot judge a tree, or a person, by only one season, and that the essence of who they are and the pleasure, joy, and love that come from that life can only be measured at the end, when all the seasons are up.
If you give up when it's winter , you will miss the promise of your spring, the beauty of your summer, fulfilment of your fall.
Don't let the pain of one season destroy the joy of all the rest.
Don't judge life by one difficult season.
Persevere through the difficult patches
and better times are sure to come some time or later
Bflygal's Comment : I once asked for a picture of 4 seasons too....
Monday, August 28, 2006
60 SIGNS YOU’RE A TRUE SINGAPOREAN - written on 3rd Aug 2003
1. Thanks to SMS, you have an extra large thumb.
2. Tks 2 SMS, u oso dun no how 2 spel n e mor.
3. You pat MRT and bus seats to cool them before you sit down.
4. At lunch, you start discussing what to eat for dinner.
5. Your wedding photos include shots of you dressed up like Louis XIV, Michael Jackson, or Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet in Titanic.
6. When speaking to foreigners, you somehow feel a need to adopt an accent. (If you’re a DJ, this happens even when you’re not speaking to foreigners.)
7. You won’t raise your voice to protest policies, but you’ll raise your fists to whack someone over Hello Kitty.
8. You’re forever talking about businesses you want to set up but will probably never get around to starting.
9. You don’t know ¾ of the people attending your wedding.
10. You separate food into 2 basic groups: ‘heaty’ and ‘cooling’.
11. You’re never completely sure how many times you’ve sung the second verse of the National Anthem.
12. You think that what makes you ‘married’ is not the legal registration but whether you’ve thrown a 12 course dinner.
13. You marry for the real estate breaks.
14. You have kids for the tax advantages.
15. You move to where you want your child to go to school.
16. You feel you can’t walk around naked in your own flat.
17. You force your children to take Speech & Drama classes, but pray they won’t wind up in Arts later on.
18. You suddenly realize you’re very interested in biotech - just like you suddenly realized three years ago that you were very interested in e-commerce, and before that, engineering, and before that, medicine and law.
19. You think being an entrepreneur is setting up a bubble tea/Portuguese egg tart/gao luck/porridge shop right next to an existing bubble tea/Portuguese egg tart/gao luck/porridge shop.
20. You think people are inconsiderate when they don’t leave their table immediately after eating at the food court but think you have every right to take 25 bites to finish the last red bean in your ice kachang.
21. You find it impossible to make suggestions without drawing a fishbone chart first.
22. If you’re a guy, whenever you get together with your guy friends, you invariably trade army stories.
23. If you’re a girl, whenever you get together with your girl friends, you invariably trade stories about how your stupid guy friends are forever trading army stories.
24. You think the most important sporting event in
25. You somehow feel that food tastes better when eaten by a longkang.
26. It actually makes a difference to you being called an ‘NSMan’ rather than a ‘Reservist’.
27. You’ve eaten more times at the Esplanade than you’ve actually seen shows there.
28. You need campaigns to tell you how to be courteous, to flush toilets, have sex, etc.
29. When you visit the Zoo, you wonder what the animals taste like.
30. You feel the urge to add the suffix ‘-polis’ to everything, viz. Biopolis, Airtropolis, Fusionopolis, Entrepolis, etc.
31. You always feel oddly hungry at 11 pm, and are willing to drive to far away places for supper.
32. You meet in hotels a lot.
33. Your children have a rudimentary knowledge of Tagalog or Bahasa Indonesia.
34. You work at McDonald’s when you’re old rather than young.
35. You’ll gladly spend $50,000 on a car, but will go to great lengths to save a few bucks on ERP charges or even a few cents on a parking coupon.
36. Pork floss and mayonnaise on bread is a completely natural combination to you.
AGREE! Though for some point of time, coffee bread was quite popular too...
37. If you’re pregnant, you have the strange ability to make people on the MRT fall asleep instantly.
38. You ask for the bill by miming a signing movement.
39. You’ve started referring to foreign employees as ‘talent’ instead of ‘expatriates’.
40. At the dinner table, you’re always discussing which other food places serve better versions of what you’re eating.
41. You copy down licence plate numbers of cars involved in accidents.
42. You think your boyfriend doesn’t really love you unless he gives you part of his liver.
43. During sales, you book hotel rooms near malls to enable you to shop more efficiently.
44. You pronounce the letter ‘R’ as ‘ah-rer’ and the letter ‘H’ as ‘haytch’.
45. No matter how old you are, you keep associating people with their secondary schools. (alternative: No matter how old you are, you secretly need to know what other people got for their PSLE, O levels and A levels.)
46. You’re always on a quest for the definitive version of your favourite local dish.
47. When you explain things to people, you keep (a) using alphabets, and (b) speaking in point form.
48. You believe that you can generate ‘creativity’ through rules and committees.
49. You ‘chope’ a seat by placing a packet of tissues on the chair.
50. You’re very forthright with your criticisms of the Gahmen, unless there’s a chance they might actually hear you.
51. You diligently track the whereabouts of your favourite hawkers, know that the famous Tiong Bahru Bao is now in Jurong, the famous Outram Char Kuay Teow is now in Hong Lim Centre and the famous Lau Hock Kien Hokkien mee from the old Lau Pa Sat is now at Beach Road.
52. Your mother probably can’t speak your ‘mother tongue’.
53. You’d rather drink your own pee than pay someone more for water.
54. You secretly find that the best part of the Speak Good English Movement is hearing the Singlish bits in their ads.
55. You have an automatic sensor in your head which categorizes people you meet into stayer/ quitter, cosmopolitan/heartlander, normal/ express/ gifted, etc.
56. You think we’re living in a modern, sophisticated country even when our leaders still insist on wearing their school uniforms.
57. You wish your constituency is in a walkover, because otherwise it’s damn ‘leceh’.
58. During elections, you decide that there is no credible opposition even though you don’t know the name of the opposition candidate in your constituency.
59. You think having a constitution is like the condition you get when you don’t eat enough fibre.
Bflygal's comment : Interesting that now is 2006 and some signs are still apparent (especially those signs that I agree upon) .. But you must remember I don't read updated news so I could have agree on the wrong signs too. Oh ya reminded me something, they say Singaporeans usually show their Love for Singapore by being cynical. AGREE!
Bflygal's comment : The chorus of this song keeps haunting me because of the rhythm I think. Because basically I never like Sun Ho at all and if I know a particular song is hers, I will avoid it at all cost haha. I meant make sure I don't get haunted by it. So this song haunted me for the past 2 weeks before I found out who sing it. Lyrics so-so. Think is the chorus music that I like.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
My Lovely Sam-soon
But friday after the 9pm show that I would watch sometimes, I decided to continue "disturb" my parents ... and thus watched an episode of this.
That time the episode was on Sam Soon baking an engagement cake for her ex-boyfriend. Gosh, I guess how painful that can really be.
However it didn't make me addicted to the show yet. I just wanted to read the story. So I read the beginning from my i-weekly. Then I decided to see if can find the ending for it from google.
Then I saw one scene. A scene that reminded me abit of QWBWZ. When Sam Shik told Sam Soon that she keep appearing in his thoughts. When he said that she keep bothering him. When he ask her to leave him alone. When he realised he love Sam Soon. When he finally became truthful to his feelings.
I guess that is one of the most used plot for love story. But just reading the scene... conjure all my curiosity for this show.
And thus begins my youtube addiction of My Lovely Sam-Soon. Haha and you know this is a korean drama... so guess what, the first 2 episode I actually was watching without subtitles. And I had to download the subtitles.
Luckily I found another user that uploaded the drama with english sub. Gosh how thankful I was to this user. Coz reading the subtitle as you watched the show is really tough.
Miji King.... they say it is a movie where the male character think he is a prince. Haha maybe is the "prince" word that makes me smitten. Maybe because the show is not entirely sad, there are happy scenes. There are silly scenes. There are violent scenes.
And that keeps me watching. It was like how I watched QWBWZ. When the mother starts to "ACT"... I laugh. When the female lead does something stupid... I laugh.
Like TY, I like SS because she is direct. Love truthfully, whether it hurts or not. Someone say it is less likely for one to experience love in its full effect if she is too logical. Maybe. No one love is ever the same or ever correct or ever wrong. Different people just chases different type of love, different way of love. Actually come to think of it, even if you and I have the same symptoms of love, it doesn't mean we will have the same ending, the same feelings, the same effect. (A recent conversation reeled me into this thought. Grateful as it makes me see things in another light.)
Likewise I am puzzled and tickled by both Sam Shik & Jun Hao. For being indecisive. For being stubborn. For realising the beauty of these 2 simple girls.
Maybe it really is the simple honest cinderella meeting her complicated prince charming effect.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
The Best Positions in Bed.....
Out of all the positions, these 3 were my favourites. Ha ha!
p/s : If you want the full email, drop me a comment =)
I Believe
From the album "My Sassy Girl OST"
I believe... Even though you are not with me, this is not how we part.
I believe... You're taking the long way back to me.
Inside all those past memories,
I make myself hurt and myself cry.
You didn't cry as much as me, without a lot of tears, you tried to give me a painless good-bye.
I know that you will one day return to me, that I believe,
I will wait for you, I'll do it for you.
I believe... Because I might hurt, you couldn't even cry.
I believe... You will return to me all the tears that I now shed.
I'll glimpse you come into my sight
And it'll make my tears fall.
You didn't cry as much as me, without a lot of tears, you tried to give me a painless good-bye.
I know that you will one day return to me, that I believe,
I will wait for you, I'll do it for you.
Was the world was dazzling before I met you?
Underneath that sky, all I'm left with are tears
I will save this place next to me.
You are the only reason...
that waiting gives me enough happiness.
Love is the only reason...
As days pass by,
If you forget the way, I'll be waiting
I do it for you.
I do it for you.
Bflygal's comment : There is only 1 reason why I posted the lyrics. For fun haha. And yes this time I make it obvious. Btw I thought you were just saying you believe in something. Coz this movie, though good, never leave as big an impact compared to Love Letter. But then aiya, I also don't remember Love Letter's music. And the re-visit seems fruitless.
What Men Want? What Women Want?
On the other side, women tends to ponder what signs the men are emitting too. They want marriage or fling? They want love or lust?
The reason I "chance" upon this article is because of the word "SECURITY".
As I am unable to comment a certain blog entry, I end up posting in my blog. And since I want to post in my blog, I definitely will do some studies to post something thought-provoking. Joking!
"You can't give girls security!"
I say this line to 3 guys in a span of 10 years.
Do they have any similarity?
All 3 are above average looking. But good looking guys are aplenty.
All 3 can be good conversationalist.
2 of them have lots of ideas to humour girls. The other one I believed have also, but I never got the chance to see it being displayed.
I can't remember what was the reaction for the first 2 guys when I said that... but the last guy was surprised. He say I don't know him so well yet I can say something like that. His friends feel I might be mistaken too.
Because of his friends' comments, I have been thinking if I was quick in concluding he cannot give girls security. As in, I was wondering is it MY PROBLEM actually - i.e. Guys can't give me security.
Which leads me to my 2nd keyword in this entry. "PAST".
Should I forget my past? Because past is what affects my decision in the future. Because sometimes past is not the past it really was. It is the past you hoped it was. I revisted "Love Letter" to revist this theory "Curiosity Kills The Cat". Am I reminiscing? Actually not entirely. Is because old friend revisted me and ask me lots of past questions haha. But with or without old friend, I still think about my past wistfully. Because I was once young and innocent. And "Love Letter" enforced to me that really, sometimes the past you remembered is not the actual past.
I can't give up my past because it is what makes me what I am now. But I block images, set barriers at places I don't want to explore again.
Btw, the article is not foolproof. I don't really agree it but I like its conclusion on the "What Women Want" portion. What women wants is actually not a mystery. And no, I don't need special surprises. I just need to see you make an effort in our relationship whether it is friendship or love.

End of day, I find security in the past I conjured...
<-- When Itsuki saw this drawing, what was her expression?
Dream Invention
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
For a friend
1. Don’t ask her to be feminine.
2. Don’t let her drink over three glasses. She’ll beat someone.
3. At a cafe, drink cofee, not ice tea.
4. If she hits you, act like it hurts. If it hurts, act like it doesn’t.
5. On your 100th day together give her a rose during her class. She’ll like it lot.
6. Make sure you learn fencing and squash.
7. Also be prepared to go to prison sometimes.
8. If she says she’ll kill you, don’t take it lightly. You’ll feel better.
9. If her feet hurts, exchange shoes with her.
10. She likes to write, encourage her.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Slice of Life
Reminded me of an article I read before, what if one day somebody hacks into blogger database and tampered its database. Scary thought right? Especially when I really am using blogger to store all my URLs now.
Blogger administrator, if you are reading this, I am suggesting why not have a feature like where you allow the blog to be emailed again at its edit mode. Hmm although it is going to be very painful to email all my blogs again. I know that I do direct an email whenever I blog but most of the time I delete those emails because too much emails can be distracting haha. Must find time to make a blogger email account soon.
Talking about that, I feel like setting up a server. Must read up articles on it...
Anyway back to my topic, Slice of Life is another "story" that I love to hear... Ever since I hear 938 Live, I started listening to Slice of Life which teaches me to be more fulfilling in life. But I seldom practise it though "p
Singtel Touching Lives Fund
It brought me back to 3 years ago, when I was still in uni. I had even make a website on it. That time I was very enthusiastic, collecting the Today (almost) daily and ensuring I fold each and every red paper I see. My dad would even help me cut out the paper.
3 years later, as I see this red paper, I know I will still fold the heart. But I lost the enthusiasm. Maybe the NKF saga is still deeply etched in my memory. I used to trust all charity organisation. Maybe being taken as a fool really leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
But still, my friend, if you see this red paper. Please fold it into a heart and post it out. As much as I no longer trust all charity organisation, I still believe in the miracle of heart folding.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Y.E.S 933 Music Diary Podcast
Today I remember about Y.E.S 933 Music Diary Podcast and decided to take a look at it. While listening, it brings me back to my school days. Those seem to be the innocent days yet it is definitely not innocent. What A loves B, but B loves C. Or both were long time friends but suddenly one party realized he/she love her. It does seem complicated right. Yet it does have the innocent element. I wonder why too.
The reason I am writing this blog is because I am still feeling down. Actually is not really depression type of feeling, more of helpless type. And I guess listening to Music Diary seems to aggravate the situation. In a sense I realized out there, there are so many people who will encounter the same situation as me. And all of them sounded so helpless, so “poor thing”. And I wonder why again.
Guess is the 为什么 mode again. (Suddenly my brain keep playing the kiddy tone of为什么, 为什么, 为什么)
Why is it when you want to give up something, the other party will then start to appreciate you?
Why is it that when you lose something, did you realize its importance?
Why is friendship so fragile? Isn’t it supposed to be a holly tree, forever evergreen?
Why do some people realize they like their best friend?
Why do some people refuse to accept their friend as a lover for fear of losing the friendship?
Why is it that even after refusing, the friendship is still lost in the end?
Why do we try all means to protect something we find precious, only to lose it still?
Why do some people still remember their first love?
Why do we reminiscence our past?
Why do we feel hurt even if the event had happened many years ago?
Why is it when you hear a sad story or song, you will link it to a sad event of your life?
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Reading on 16th Aug 2006
What Covers You That which influences the general atmosphere or environment (current situation) ![]() | Six of Swords Briefly: This is a card of travel and usually means going over water, though can mean an ocean voyage specifically. In Detail... Aren't you lucky if you draw this card? You may be about to take off to further horizons and go exploring. This is a card of travel and usually means going over water, though can mean an ocean voyage specifically. You are usually not going alone, there is someone else with you. It is also a card showing that you are protected in some way or someone is looking after you and your needs at this time. It is time to relax and enjoy yourself and take time out to explore other parts of this wonderful world we live in. It is quite an adventurous card and shows that you are ready for new experiences and will welcome whatever changes arise. Your longing for distant shores also means that your life may have been becoming a little stagnant of late, and you need fresh air and a change of scenery. Go some place you have never been before and allow yourself to flow with the winds of change. | |
What Crosses You Obstacles, conflicts or opposition in the path ![]() | Six of Pentacles Briefly: Some financial assistance that will change the course of your destiny if you act wisely. In Detail... The picture on this card shows a good looking man, very rugged up against the bitter cold, as it must be the Winter season at the time. He holds a coin in his right hand and is in the process of giving it to those who ask. There are two hands outstretched in front of him which are the hands of those in need of some financial assistance. In his left hand he holds a set of scales to balance out who is get receive the assistance. In the background behind him are six large pentacles, or coins, that show his wealth. If you are the person in the picture you have come a long way and are not in the position of being able to help those around you. If you are not the person in the picture, then you will seen be on the receiving end of some financial assistance that will change the course of your destiny if you act wisely. If you invest your money with prudence you may one day end up as financially secure as the one who helped you in the first place. The number six may be significant in respect to the amount received. As this number is also connected to the planet Venus, there may also be some loving encounter or experience that gives you a new outlook on life. | |
What Crowns You That which has gone before you, those past events and influences that have led you to this path ![]() | King of Swords Briefly: Now is the time to make a clean break with what you have been doing up until now. In Detail... Physically he is usually tall and relatively slim. Sometimes bearded and with piercing eyes, either blue or black. He sometimes gives an austere appearance. He may look like he doesn't smile too often. He may not age well and could tend to look rather weathered or older than he actually is, even at a young age. Mostly he would have dark hair. Conservative in attire most of the time. Serious manner in appearance and clothing. Personality: Can be abrasive, tactless and have a harsh attitude towards life and his efforts for survival. He may have fought various battles, personal or in times of war, that have left him feeling empty and scarred. He may even have a physical scar on his face or hands. He tends to treat people abrubtly, as if they annoy him just by their presence. He is serious and often secretive. Often, what he doesn't say, says it all. His look can condemn. He likes to be in charge and in control of his life and his environment. He is generally in business suits or a uniform of some type. He appreciates the discipline of keeping up appearances and likes his boots polished very well. He may actually collect old relics or swords as a hobby and enjoy cleaning and polishing them and putting them on display in his home. He is generally tidy by nature, methodical and despising clutter and useless items. He believes that life is meant to involve hard work and he would not like to be unemployed at any time, as he likes the structures of time and discipline in his well-ordered life. He would appreciate a good steak. He dislikes waste and frivolity. He has the gift of intelligence, commonsense and foresight. He likes to have well-defined plans and goals. He is a stickler for rules and doing his duty. He is a born leader. He appreciates time. He is capable of being the instructor. Occupations suited to him would be the head of a company or large organisation. Also he would make a great surgeon, doctor, police officer, dentist or anything that involves the use of sharp items or weapons. He would make a good soldier, warrior, fighter or leader of a revolution. His future lies in being more open to others if he is to feel fulfilled at the end of his life. He could fall in love again, or renew his vows with his wife if already married. He is faithful though observant of the beauty of women. He especially admires women of grace and good manners. He is as vulnerable as the next man, but rarely shows it. He will have a relationship if she shows enough direct interest in him. Querent's card. If this is you, now is the time to make a clean break with what you have been doing up until now. Sever the past and start anew. You can heed the challenge. You are brave and can face anything the future holds. Just say yes! If you are not the querent and this card appears, I suggest that you allow this person to be themselves. Do not stand in this man's way, he will rollercoaster over you without even noticing you were stood there in the first place. He can be the most sincerest friend, only after you have proven your friendship to him, never before. | |
What is Beneath You The current foundation and what you have access to build upon ![]() | Page of Wands Briefly: Time to go where angels fear to tread and live. In Detail... What a gorgeous young man depicted on this card. He looks romantic and adventurous and daring to go out there and conquer the world and meet his destiny, wherever that may be and with whoever he is yet to meet. He is warm and sensitive and challenged by the adventure of life itself. He knows no fears for he is too young yet to know what that means. He is daring and forthright and persistent to get his needs met. He likes to travel far and wide and will not be restrained by what others want him to do. His life is his own and he knows that he alone owns it. He cannot tolerate lies, deception or unwholesomeness. He welcomes change and will go off on a tangent and leave town on a whim. He knows no boundaries of mind or soul. He has gained some skills in life and has a feather in his cap, so to speak. He will go where angels fear to tread and live the simple life if at all possible. He is poetic and also loves life and learning new skills. | |
What is Behind You The past events or influences that have played a major role in bringing this situation to light ![]() | Two of Swords Briefly: There are decisions to be made. In Detail... To draw this card shows that there are decisions to be made. However all the facts may not be in at this point in time. There could be something about to crop up that you are not aware of and it may come to light later. Often something is not seen in the clear light of day or there is an unknown factor involved. Time is often of the essence and it is usually worth waiting it out for awhile to see what may arise to clarify the issue. Making a decision with all the facts is much easier than with only half the information. Sometimes this card can indicate a problem with the eyes. Maybe an operation will be required, an injury may occur, or glasses need to be prescribed, or new glasses or some other matter involving the eyesight. If this card is not you, or is unlikely to represent any situation directly involving you, then it is possible that it may relate to someone close to you. They may need your insight, or wisdom to help them sort out a dilemma they are in. There may be a situation where someone has to choose between two differing options and is not sure which is the most appropriate one to select. | |
What is Before You Immediate future and influences all about to come to light ![]() | Page of Swords Briefly: Time to go out there and make your indelible mark on the world in your own unique way. In Detail... This guy is ready for action and adventure. He is capable of acting quickly and confidently. Yet he is known to be somewhat aloof at times and may seem too young to tackle the tasks at hand. He is brave and sometimes foolishly confident. He learns well though by his mistakes, because he usually makes them while he is young. He is often very good looking, crystal clear blue eyes, though sometimes has pure black eyes. His skin is smooth and clean shaven. He has a boyish look to his face, even when in his late twenties or early thirties. He has innocent charm and can make the girls swoom around him, yet hardly noticing that he has this affect on them. He has the wanderlust in him and will want to travel at a young age. He can hardly wait to get out there in the world and explore what life has to offer. If this card is the querient's card, it could be signalling the time to go out there and make your indelible mark on the world in your own unique way with no apology to anyone. If this card is not you, you could encounter someone like him who briefly walks through your life. Cherish this while it lasts, for it may or may not last very long. He wants to be on the move and no amount of clinging will keep him from getting out the door. Let him go and he will return when he is ready. | |
Your-Self How you see yourself: a true reflection on your current attitudes and belief systems ![]() | Wheel of Fortune Briefly: This card is a delight to arrive in your reading. Not only can it bring about an unusual turn of events that are quite fortunate for you. In Detail... This card is a delight to arrive in your reading. Not only can it bring about an unusual turn of events that are quite fortunate for you, but that you are finally taking the lead in the direction of your own life and your ultimate destiny. This card suggests not so much that events happen to you, but rather that you instigate many major changes to bring about a new life with new challenges and renewed hope. You may decide to leave a job, leave a partner, or go overseas and the decisions you make with regards to these will be so swift that you will shatter some people's impressions that you were once a stable and slow mover. Now all things must change, and change swiftly. If you should happen to win the lottery or some other good fortune befalls you, make sure you know exactly what you want to do with your new-found freedom, independence and wealth. The bolt out of the blue is likely to happen just when you thought you were in a rut and didn't anticipate anything was going to alter. Opportunities can arise thick and fast and leave you gasping for air between this offer and that. Don't allow anyone to push you into anything you are unsure of. | |
Around You How others from home or work or family view the situation ![]() | Three of Swords Briefly: Three people may be involved in a dispute or go their separate ways. In Detail... This is a minor arcana card, however, when its energies manifest, it can seem like a major event at the time, due to its intensity and how it makes you feel. The card symbolically shows three swords, one dripping in blood, which represents pain and distress. Often a separation from someone occurs at this time or some kind of friction or dispute. It often feels quite tormenting and hurtful at the time and is difficult to get through while this feeling lasts. Three people may be involved in a dispute or go their separate ways, or become involved in an emotional tug of war. Hewever, once the anger or hurt is expressed openly and each airs their grievances, it is usually only a matter of hours or days before you feel better again and the issue may be resolved permanently, or at least for the time being, which eases the stress levels. Sometimes, a person may need to have an operation or there is some minor injury, which usually heals quite quickly. | |
Hopes and Fears That which one coverts that lies deep inside, hopes and fears are but a razors edge apart ![]() | The Lovers Briefly: If you are unattached and you deal out this card, you are being guided towards that special someone who is about to walk through the doorway of your heart and leave its indelible mark on you forever. The Lovers card always brings choices. Love is the strongest emotion we know and it can literally move mountains. The desire to be with your special person can overwhelm you and override all logic or other sense of clarity. In Detail... This is the most powerful card in the pack for many and varied reasons. Love is the strongest emotion we know and it can literally move mountains. The desire to be with your special person can overwhelm you and override all logic or other sense of clarity. However, if you are ever going to experience true love, then you may as well feel it with every part of your being. If you are unattached and you deal out this card, you are being guided towards that special someone who is about to walk through the doorway of your heart and leave its indelible mark on you forever. You will feel the blood rushing through your veins and the passion and desire to be with your lover so deliriously wonderful, that all else pales in comparison. This may be your soul mate, your one true love of your life, so make sure you are there and you are ready. If you are already in a relationship, another passing attraction may cause a disturbance in your feelings and you may be swayed to have a secret liaison. The Lovers card always brings choices. You can choose to love, or choose not to love. If you find yourself in a triangle situation, at some stage you will have to make your final choice. This card can also symbolise that your creativity is developing and you could start to produce some great works, whether that be a painting, a song, a poem or even beautiful new furnishings for your home such as curtains, tapestries etc. The emphasis will be on elegance and pure luxury. | |
The Outcome Eventual outcome based on current card path ![]() | Five of Cups Briefly: 5 days associated with an event that will not be so happy or positive. In Detail... This card shows a man with his head lowered and he is facing the ocean and a cliff top in the distance. On the ground in front if him is three cups spilling out red liquid. Behind him are two cups. He looks sad and alone. The dark clouds in the sky signify sadness. There is a time frame of about five days associated with an event that will not be so happy or positive. However, all things must eventually come to an end and we experience pain and hurt because we are human. Even though the person is experiencing some loss, there is still hope and this is symbolised by the two cups behind him, suggesting that he cannot see this at this point in time, but it is definitely there. This man will eventually pick up the pieces and move on, but has to grieve his loss as he is a human being and will feel this way for some time before he can be healed and renewed. The card often symbolises winter, but can also represent a cold time in the persons life, or there is a separation of some type that is causing this temporary sadness. When the time has passed he will see that there is always hope for a new life and he will start anew, but it may be in a new season such as Spring. |
Bflygal's comment :
I had only skim through the reading because I know not to believe in the reading. But when I saw 3 of swords and 5 of cups, I have to admit it happen to hit the nail on the right spot. I used to hide my sorrow away from me, to see it displayed right in front of me tonight... too hard to resist not posting and remembering this result. And to tell myself, I can deal with that 5 days. In fact maybe tomorrow is the 6th day already right.
Monday, August 14, 2006
Stairway to Heaven / 好爱她好想他

Anyway while anticipating my photo shot today, I heard 183 Club and 7 flower song <好爱她好想他>. So sweet... Argh thank goodness my addiction only lasted awhile. Coz too busy at work already. Or rather is too busy transfering and setting up my new computer.
Here's the lyrics that I was smitten by...
爱到最后我们还是改变不了 ho
爱到最后我们还是改变不了 ho
爱到最后我们还是改变不了 ho
爱到最后我们还是改变不了 ho
Card Making

The pics below show a more difficult card design. it has 4 different pictures, all folded into 1 card.




Coolz right. Like it very much.... Talking about cards, I didn't know there are magazines selling card making ideas. Was so tempted to buy them sia. Hmm suddenly reminded me of a friend...
Your Temperament is Guardian
Guardians are the cornerstone of society, for they are the temperament given to serving and preserving our most important social institutions. Guardians have natural talent in managing goods and services--from supervision to maintenance and supply--and they use all their skills to keep things running smoothly in their families, communities, schools, churches, hospitals, and businesses.
Guardians can have a lot of fun with their friends, but they are quite serious about their duties and responsibilities. Guardians take pride in being dependable and trustworthy; if there's a job to be done, they can be counted on to put their shoulder to the wheel. Guardians also believe in law and order, and sometimes worry that respect for authority, even a fundamental sense of right and wrong, is being lost. Perhaps this is why Guardians honor customs and traditions so strongly--they are familiar patterns that help bring stability to our modern, fast-paced world.
Practical and down-to-earth, Guardians believe in following the rules and cooperating with others. They are not very comfortable winging it or blazing new trails; working steadily within the system is the Guardian way, for in the long run loyalty, discipline, and teamwork get the job done right. Guardians are meticulous about schedules and have a sharp eye for proper procedures. They are cautious about change, even though they know that change can be healthy for an institution. Better to go slowly, they say, and look before you leap.
Guardians make up as much as 40 to 45 percent of the population.
The Four types of Guardians are:
Supervisors (ESTJ) | Protectors (ISFJ) | Inspectors (ISTJ) | Providers (ESFJ)
Author's Notes :
A quick post just to store this website. A friend gave me this link. Not that it says much about me coz seriously, Guardian makes up almost the majority of the world already. So how am I different from YOU... I have no idea too. Doesn't matter. Coz my idealism tends to flit faster than you can count 123. Anyway lately still in the laze and daze type of mood. Got 4 posts that I want to post ... But will only write tomorrow (hopefully I have the perserverance... I know, shall make them draft first and add the ingredients when it arrived tomorrow.)
For now, I shall ponder over my protector role! Hmm...
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Magic Thread
Yesterday I watched the movie "Click". It is the story of "The Magic Thread" with the technology background, using the remote control instead of the ball of thread. After watching it, I decided to find back the old traditional story ...
Re-reading this story brought back memories. That time when I read this story, I was in my tens. Being young, I never really appreciate the story. I only know that it tells me to be patient. I admit I'm rather impatient most of the times. I rush to cross the road, I rush for my bus, I rush to avoid the queue. Then there are times when I'm in a lazy mood, that's when I slow down. However this is only temporary, because the waiting game is tiring. And I would regret for not moving a little faster, and then I do not have to wait already.
Now that I am older, re-reading this story and watching "Click" gives me another feeling. Something I have always asked myself. Why am I rushing for sometimes? What have I miss out while rushing through my life. They used to say that while you are in a traffic jam, take the chance to view the Mother Nature. But sometimes one gets so caught up in his/her world that the surrounding doesn't matter very much to him/her. And I'm worried that I get too caught up in my world to hear what my heart is saying.
Most importantly, like what "Click" was trying to convey, I'm afraid that I might have given priority to the wrong stuff. Thank goodness though my work place is not a demanding place. But due to that reason I decided to go take a part time masters. Now I have to balance work, study and family. Am I giving the right priorities? And I still don’t seem to have realised my dreams though. The thing is I have so many unfinished dreams, so many have not started dreams. I can’t possibly fulfilled all of them one shot also. But I tend to keep getting distracted while pursuing my dreams though. =(
At the end of “Click”, he chose family over work. He realised that one should be more patient to slowly see how his life unfolds in front of him instead of keep rushing to get to the outcome. The journey, not the destination, is what makes your life fulfilling. From it, I hope to remind myself to savour every moment of my process.
p/s : Hmm I believed I have something else that I wanted to post still.. but I just couldn't recall it anymore. Oh well, to end this post, I just wanna say Happy Birthday, Singapore!
And I saw this paragraph. I ever read its english version. At that time, it pained me. To re-read this again, I remember all my younger days of foolishness.
世界上最遙遠的距離 不是生與死
而是我就站在你面前 你卻不知道我愛你
世界上最遙遠的距離 不是我就站在你面前你卻不知道我愛你
世界上最遙遠的距離 不是明明知道彼此相愛卻不能在一起
而是明明無法抵擋這股想念 卻還得故意裝作絲毫沒有把你放在心裡
世界上最遙遠的距離 不是明明無法抵擋這股想念卻還得故意裝作絲毫沒有把你放在心裡
而是用自己冷漠的心 對愛你的人掘了一條無法跨越的溝渠
My friend once said me, I'm forever the more realistic and logical person. And I replied him back, Yes, I rather the other party love me more than I love the other party. I have always wonder will I achieve happiness like this. But I always tell myself, if I will never take the step to find out, then don't bother wondering. As always, the future is so unpredictable, there are a millions of path I can take. Since I have chosen one of the path, why bother re-tracking to find out what other paths can lead me.
Besides curiosity kills the cat. But my brain still strays some times. So long it knows how to get back home, I should be perfectly fine. Afterall my mission in life is never related to my emotional life.
Hmm must be the special blog that makes me think too much. I have always wondered why my friend wrote it, why is the date so special, but I never read till the end. Today I'm proud to have completed the story, but I can only say -
A guy tends to be more wishy-washy when it comes to relationship. His indecision will cause alot of pain to the girl.
A girl is more decisive though. True, she will feel pain more deeply. But when she finally wakes up and move on, she will not turn back.
Weird, why does this link me back to Wang Zi Bian Qing Wa's couple - Ming-En relationship. Guess I'm still addicted to the speculation of does love exists for this couple.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
我只想要 (All I Want)
In some sense it is good, because I will keep telling myself,
Don't be greedy!
Don't ask for the impossible!
Don't take things for granted!
But I'm not sure if my own preachings fall on my deaf ears or not......
Shall go back dreamland to hear my inner voice... zzz
王子变青蛙电视原声带 - 我只想要
唱:7 Duo Hua
曲:james chu |词:柯呈雄
ps : I just realised that if you don't watch the show - Wang Zi Bian Qing Wa, maybe you might not catch the actual message of this song.... Haha, if so just appreciate the song as it is. Going back to school tomorrow, hopefully my addiction will stop too.
Friday, August 04, 2006
Addiction to YouTube & WQBQW
Wah I haven't been blogging for 3 months. Actually everyday, while walking to work, I have lots of stuff to say.. but the moment I reach office, I end up doing other stuff, and blogging becomes the last task that I want to execute in my to-do list.
And now that I'm trying to blog, I can't remember all the stories that run into my brain in the morning haha.
Maybe I shall update about myself then! Still being stuck in my comfort zone and living a life so comfortable that there are times I think I'm becoming LAZY & Lethargic. Ok other than the month of June where I was super stress because exams were coming and I was asking for last minute help!!!
After exams ended, my 2nd week of July was an interesting week. Coz my parents went to
Then life is back to the normal. No housework needs to be done (phew!) Watch more tv, play more games. But somehow I was still doing work at least in the office.
Then comes mid july which is increment time. And suddenly my life turns for the worst?? Not that the increment was bad lah. It's pretty ok. It is just the timing. Suddenly I saw that I have only 1 urgent task to complete. And that I go home on time daily.
The worst part though is I got addicted to youtube. Haha I think I have gone bonkers too right. Imagine watching youtube daily that is what I have been doing for the past 1 week. I was just surfing for the beginning of Wang Zi Bian Qing Wa, and suddenly I become so addicted to Chen Qiao En that I'm viewing every videos on her, on 183 club, on 5566, on 7 Flower. Gosh if youtube is not down now, I think I am still watching youtube videos and not blogging at all.
Haha. Sometimes I think that I'm too easily addicted on something. Imagine a period of time I was so addicted to Da Jang Geum, I search everything on it e.g. Korean history, the cast, Lee Young Ann's news etc.
I wonder how I got over my addiction for Da Jang Geum. Hmm. I guess I got addicted to these female artistes because of a certain character they portray. I love Da Jang Geum for her determination. It is something that I wish I could be. To realised my dream at the end of the day.
As for Ye Tian Yu, maybe I like her because like her, I wish to marry a rich guy too?? Ok I was joking. I like her also because of her determination. I particularly like the frog story
Anyway while trying to find this motto, I came across a page with all the經典對白及精彩語錄 (
Here are a few of my personal favourites :
I guess I love all heart-wrenching love stories. Sometimes I can be quite a day-dreamer…