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Saturday, May 06, 2006

First Timer

I heard that there are quite a lot of blogs regarding Singapore 2006 election... and that government is monitoring what transpires in these blogs. Seriously, I never read any of them though. The only site I diligently went, is That is my only source of information to decide if my vote is important, and who are contesting. Not that I don't know who have been in my GRC. The truth is, indeed, I don't really know much about them even though I have been staying here for 20++ years.

And I attributed that to my political apathy. The effect of walkover I guess. Then we get complacent and so long there is someone who is doing the job, we don't really care who he is and what he is doing. Something like the NKF saga.

This is why I’m blogging now, at the expense that I might be scrutinized up and down, in and out - to remember this first time experience. This transition where I turned from political apathy to political awakens (a little bit). Ask me to name who the oppositions are, chances are I still don’t know. Ask me how many opposition parties, I can answer that. Ask me which party contesting, I definitely know. My political knowledge has increased from 1/100 to 10/100. And in some sense I do have to give some credit to the opposition. Because I was given a choice to choose, thus I decided to open my eyes a little bit.

But my eyes are still half-closed. Because right till the point where we left to the polling station, I was more engrossed in my game. I blindly followed my parents to the polling station. And then it happened. A paper thrust into my hand. I remembered the guy asking is it my first time voting. Then he kindly explained what I should do. And it is over. To think for the past one week I had been very excited to know I can vote. Yet after I voted, I lost interest in this political issue already. Tonight will be showcasing the results; chances are I rather go back to my game playing. And the whole of the noon, I was busy trying to see if I can conjure a no-bake cheesecake. It is still being refrigerated, but I believed the results would be quite disastrous. After all I’m not a cooking type.

So the day I first voted ended with the day I first tried to make a no-bake cake. Interesting day…


Wisely said...

近日在圖書館翻閲了一些在澳洲銷量頗高的時事雜誌,發現原來澳洲傳媒對新囯的大選也有大肆報道與評論。詳細的内容在下就不便多說了,但從這些社評可以看到西方人對新囯政府與管治的見解。看來李氏一家的作風,已成爲了政客茶餘飯後的話題。sigh...還是算了吧,既然衛某也是無心從政,還是談談做蛋糕之道吧!Heehee, 最近學會了怎樣做一個中式的蒸蛋糕,入口松軟,清淡可口,有機會大家研究研究吧!=)

Butterflygalz said...

So when you posting ur secret recipe? Went to ur blog but no secret recipe haha. Got a beautiful melody though =)

As for politics talk, let's just say hopefully 5 years later, Singaporeans will be less afraid, more direct and given the chance to express their love of Singapore.

Which reminds me to my impeding appraisal, and that I have written some criticisms on the company. Will I get fired?