Waited until now to write this entry... coz had wanted to watch "The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe" too and make a comparision with "Goblet of Fire".
But isn't that so cliched. I suppose so. So should I really make a comparision of these 2 movies. Nah. They have one common point, the book is always better than the movie.
Esp for Narnia. One of the focus on the movie was on the battle.. reminded me of LOTR with so many animals fighting against each other, the ugly vs the pretty. But then Tolkien & Lewis were friends. So hardly suprising they had similar style. My dear, "Similar" only. Worlds apart in the focus etc. At least I had completed the first book of Narnia, unlike LOTR.. where I believed I'm still stuck in the hobbit embarking the journey to destroy the ring... I can hear some saying how W.O.L.S I am. And I really can't deny the fact. How many people do you know who is still stuck reading LOTR since 2003. Only one, that is if you know me *shakes head*
Back to Narnia. The "Queen" was quite pretty, cold and pretty hee hee. Lucy was lovable, innocent lovely child. Saw Edmund grew up in the movie. Peter & Susan were just passable, maybe because in the story, they were not the focus too. Can't have too many main leads I guess. Overall the movie was pretty. Love the snow scenery. Love the 2 little beavers. And absolutely love the professor and his logic.
"There are only three possibilities. Either your sister is telling lies, or she is mad, or she is telling the truth. "
Obvious fact which was lost upon the people involved. Logic... something we don't learn in school "p
As for Harry Potter, one word to describe the movie, breathtaking. Somehow I like the visuals in Goblet better coz indeed, to see what Rowling described in the book was something I had been waiting for. And though sometimes the visuals are not so impressive (for e.g. showing the beautiful fleur to be very very awesome faerie like... which I believed is indeed a tough task) but overall I got to see the triwizard on screen. And I just go 'WOW'.
Ok next year there are 2 other movies adapted from books. One is the Da Vinci Code.. gosh must read that book first. Another is Memoirs of Geisha. Hmm haven't decided if I should find this book to read or not hmm. Vaguely remembered it was quite a hoo-huh when it first came out. Hmm but I might have been mistaken. Have to sniff that book out from a library first...
Till then, no more story books... unless I managed to catch Artemis Fowl in my nearby library hee hee..
Budget 2025: $5billion more for reclamation and coastal protection
Another $5 billion will be injected into the Coastal and Flood Protection
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