A year ago, I was worried that I cannot find a permanent job.
A year ago, everything seems blur and yet hopeful.
A year ago, I was just enjoying my own commencement ...
Today, I am congratulating my friends' graduation.
Today, I am holding a permanent job.
Today, I am asking around how's the job market ...
And the job market seems even better than before.
And the job offers sounds even more lucrative.
And I wonder about the job I am holding ...
Then I was thinking how time flies.
Then I was wondering how much I have accomplished.
Then I was finding what are my life goals ...
I came to conclude that I should find my path soon.
I came to decide that whatever decisions I made will affect my future.
I came to realise that I am lost ...
If only work does not sap my energy.
If only I am more clear-headed.
If only my guardian angel can light a candle for me ...
All is not lost though.
All over the world, I am not the only lost sheep.
All around me, I can still feel life's fervour ...
Plant a hedge, cut it back
Dig a hole, try to fill it
Plant a rose, tie it back
Find a mole, try to kill it
It's a maze, this garden, it's a maze of ways
Any man can spend his day
It's a maze, this garden, it's a maze of paths
But a soul can find the way
For an old man knows, how a year it goes
How the cold hard ground in the spring comes 'round
How the seeds take hold and the ferns unfold
How an English garden grows
Skip, skipped the ladies to the master's gate
Sip, sipped the ladies while the master ate
Tip, toed the chambermaids and stole their pearls
Snip, snipped the gardener and cut off their curls
Come along, love, come fly away, fly along
Come along, fly away home
Come along, love, you've come a long way
You've flown all the day, come fly away home
Miss a step, trip and fall
Miss the path, meet the wall
Miss the way, miss a turn
Gettin' lost's how you learn
It's a maze, this garden, it's a maze of paths
Meant to lead a man astray
Take a left, and then, turning left again's
How the soul can find the way
For an old man knows, how a year it goes
How the cold hard ground in the spring comes 'round
How in time it shows how a garden grows
How an English garden grows
How the roses climb
How sublime the time
When an English garden grows
Budget 2025: $5billion more for reclamation and coastal protection
Another $5 billion will be injected into the Coastal and Flood Protection
Fund. For solutions including sea walls, tidal gates and reclamation. For
3 days ago
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