* Note : Added/Edited on 12th Apr in response to my gd fren's comment.
Although I read this many times, but everytime I will read again, and reminisce my childhood once again. So I decided to blog it and read it as often as I want whenever I miss my childhood (which is especially often once one starts to work i.e. unable to even enjoy a student's life anymore)
50 things for Singaporean teenagers. Sit,enjoy and
think back about the past...Were you one of these?
1. You grew up watching He-man, Transformers, Silver
hawk an Mickey Mouse. Not to forget, Ninja turtles and
Smurfs too.
*I grew up watchin smurfs and care bears and also never got much caring nature in me wat!
2. You grew up brushing your teeth with a mug in
Primary school during recess time. You will squat by a
drain with all your classmates beside you, and brush
your teeth with a coloured mug. The teachers said you
must brush each side10 times too.
* Pri 4 think stop already. But I know dentist will still meet u 6 mths once, and always tell you about this reddish pill which when u chew can show you all your food particles still
3. You know what's Bin(1) Fen(1) Ba (1) San(1) is all
Author's note : Till now I still can't rememeber what is it? Is it the chinese newsletter that we were forced to buy ah? I used to remember being forced to pay 20cents or something to buy this chinese newsletter that has lots of exercises & riddles haha. Got 1 year I was even forced to be the one collecting money to buy it...
4. You know what SBC stands for.
*Singapore Broadcasting Corporation
5. You were there when the first chinese serial, the
Awakening was shown on TV. You know who is 'Ai Yo Yo
Lao Shi'
Author's note : Haha but I dun remember watching awakening though.. too young i guz
6. Internet? What the hell is that? So you thought a
decade or more ago.
Author's note : no lah i just used teleview then upgrade to internet mah
*What to do I ended my Singnet subscription and with it lost my first email account =( Well if Singnet BB is as 'good' as SCV aka Starhub Cable I wouldnt have lost my first email haha
7. You find your friends with pagers and handphone
cool in Secondary school.
*Got mine in JC1.. how come I dun remember paging some frens? Oo but i know the trend is in alphanumeric. Hey lately anybody listens to Class 95 think is Jean Danker's time slot. She has this going back to school days timeslot. Very interesting to hear the stories and related song. Remember once was about this gal reminisce about pager days too where will sms numbers like 177155 4 and slp tight those stuff lah. I usu dun rem all these numbers coz when I had my first pager, it was alphanumeric liaoz. Haha and I even taught my mum to page me messages so that I need not call her back "p
8. SBS buses used to be non-airconditioned. The bus
seats are made of wood and the cushion is red. The big
red bell gives a loud BEEEP! when pressed. There are
colourful tickets for TIBS buses. The conductor will
check for tickets by using a machine which punches a
hole on the ticket.
*Hey I fold my tickets in single heart, double heart, I Love You, make a crane out of it if not mistaken. But I have never litter k!!! Too precious haha
9. Your favourite actor and actress is Huang Wenyong
and Xiangyun. Next is Lee Nanxing and Zoe Tay and the
Aiyoyo woman.
10. You've probably read Young Generation magazine.
You know who's Vinny the little vampire and Acai the
*Very fun to read them. But the thing is I only read them cos my bro was reading them leh. So I also dunno is this magazine from my generation or his haha
11. You were there when they first introduced MRT
here. You went for the first ride with your parents
and you would kneel on the seat to see the scenery.
Author's note : I can only admit that somewhere out there there is a photo with a caption that I first took mrt with my mummy hahahah.. got state the year too but I can't remember.
12. Movie tickets used to cost only $3.50.
Author's note : Never know the cost. When young shouldn't it be your parents to pay. When older, never had the interest to watch movie haha.
13. Gals are fascinated by Strawberry Short Cake and
Barbie Dolls.
*What rubbish. I happen to have 3 barbie dolls and 1 ken and 1 baby boy (dunno his name liao lah) But haha I dun have Strawberry Short Cake. Used to want Polly Pocket tho
14. You learn to laugh like The Count in Sesame
15. You longed to buy tibits called Kaka(20 cents per
pack) and Ding Dang(50 cents per box), that had a toy
in it and it changes every week not forgetting the 15
cents animal crackers and the ring pop, wherethe
lollipop is the diamond on the ring and "Di Kam",
which you'll win small to big bells, etc.
Author's note : I only remember that ring pop. guess i dun haf the habit of eating tidbits since young haha
16. You watched TV2(also known as Channel 10) cartoons
because Channel 5 never had enough cartoons for you.
Author's note : Is it?? How come I never see this channel. Must be daddy never tune it for fear we watch too much tv haha
17. All that you know about Cantonese is from the Hong
Kong serials you watched on TV2.
*Got cable TV in the past already? I really dun recall. I do watch HK TV series but only in chinese haha. Never watch TV2 before. I once wanted to learn cantonese only because cantonese songs nice, never because of HK TV series haha
18. Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, The Three Investigators,
Famous Five and Secret Seven are probably the thickest
story books you ever thought you have read. Even Sweet
Valley High and Malory Towers.
Author's note : Yeah manz, I heard of all of them. Favts are Nancy Drew & Malory Tower. Never like the rest.. used to hope to be like Nancy Drew, clever & courageous. Wanna be an investigator too!!!
19. Civics and Moral Education was "Hao3 Gong1 Min2".
20. KFC used to be a high class restaurant that serve
food in plates and let you use metal forks and knives.
Author's note : Don't remember that too. Maybe I often got A&W haha. I know when very young, only got macs rarely. Not like kids nowadays, go macs regularly sia.
*Reminds me of a big bag of Mac Toys I have hidden on top of my cupboard..
21. The most vulgar thing you said was asshole and
idiot and THE MOST EXTREME WAS 'super white'...you
just couldn't bring yourself to say the hokkien
Author's note : haha got other stuff also lah. remember those guys in my class invented so many names just to replace one vulgar word. so much free time sia haha. i can only say, some of the new words invented are really ingenius.
22. Catching was the IN thing and twist the magic
23. Your English workbooks was made of some damn poor
quality paper that was smooth and yellow.
Author's note : Used to wonder why also. Erase abit only and it might even tear.
24. CDIS was your best friend.
Author's note : Dunnot what is it leh..
*Hmm is it????? I doubt I like this publisher enough to be friends with it then.
25. The only computer lessons in school involved funny
pixellisedcharacters in 16 colours walking about
trying to teach you maths.
Author's note : I don't think I have computer lessons =( I know I always missed out the computers be it in pri sch or sec school. Only till JC then I first saw computers in classroom. Of coz got computer lab in sec sch lah. But imagine having a computer in your class, fun right!
*Got games?? Hmm maybe got lah. Dunno. I think I WOLS.. I only got addicted to computer games when i'm in JC
26. Waterbottles were slinged around your neck and a
must everywhere you go.
Author's note : Nah i dun sling them round my neck. But I think water bottles used to be free haha. As in buy this get water bottle free, then your mum will go and buy.
27. Boys loved to play soccer with small tennis balls
in the basketball court or play something that uses
tennis ball to hit other players known as "HUM TAM
BOLA" during recess /after school
Author's note : Got so weird game one ah
*Seriously I never see before leh. But then I dun bio guys hahahah
28. Hopskotch, five stones,chateh and zero point were
all the rage with the girls and boys too...
29. Science was fun with the balsam and the angsana
being the most important plants of our lives.
Author's note : Still got other impt plants esp rainforest tree & ping pong tree haha. And i remember we used to eat iora's nectar
*hee hee yah is pong pong tree
30. Who can forget Ahmad, Bala, Sumei and John,
eternalized in our minds from the textbooks. Even Mr
31. You did stupid exercises like seal crawl and frog
Author's note : Can't remember the names.. but should be ok lah. I remember used to do that Singapore Exercises too..
32. Every children's day and national day you either
get pins or pens with 'Happy Children's Day 1993' or
dumb files with Happy National Day 1994'.
Author's note : Haha i still have the files. Useful lah. Think I also got one pencil box with me still.
33. In Primary six you had to play buddy for the
younger kids like big sister and brother.
Author's note : I remember is pri 5 leh. pri 6 they already become pri 2.. dun nid help already lah
34. Chinese teachers were always old, boring and damn
fierce looking.
Author's note : Not true. My p6 chinese teacher is v v kindly. Ok he is old but really very nice teacher.
35. Your form teacher taught you maths, science and
Author's note : And if she is capable, will teach u PE too haha
36. The worksheets were made of brown rough paper of
poor quality.
37. You went to school in slippers and a raincoat when
it rained, and you find a dry spot in the school to
sit down, dry your feet, and wear your dry and warm
socks and shoes.
Author's note : Fond memories. Now heavy rain, just let shoe soaked in rain .. troublesome to change lah
38. Famous Chinese singers were only Jacky Cheung,
Andy Lau, Aaron Kwok and Leon Lai.
Author's note : Nah i used to like Jimmy Lin. Not these 4 'kings'
39. School dismissal time was normally around 1 pm.
40. There would be spelling tests and mental sums to
do almost everyday.
Author's note : And 'Mo Xie' aka dictation as well as 'Xi Zi' aka chinese writing for the chinese lessons
41. Your friends considered you lucky and rich if your
parents gave you $3 or more for pocket money everyday.
Author's note : SO MUCH!!! I only get about 1 bucks or so only
42. During class gatherings, parents always tag along
in case someone gets lost at Orchard Road.
Author's note : Sure or not?? Anyway I never been to Orc Rd when young leh haha.. unless is parents bring me
43. You freak out when the teacher tells you to line
up according to height and hold hands with the
corresponding boy or girl.
44. Handkerchiefs were a must for both genders
Author's note : haha i still got loads of handkerchiefs in my cupboard
*Tried to but it can only wipe sweat leh. Haha somehow I have a vague image of "Wisely" and her handkerchief
45. Collecting notebooks and all kinds of stationery
was a popular thing.
Author's note : I like stationary .. still like stationary. Remember is we used to hang around bookshop and see got what to buy. But dun rem it being a popular thing at all. Unless is collecting stickers. That was a faze haha
46. Autograph books were loaded with "Best Wishes",
"Forget Me Not", and small poems like "Bird fly high,
hard to catch. Friend like you, hard to forget".
47. Class monitors and prefects loved to say "You talk
somemore, I write your name ah!"
Author's note : Haha I think so ... did i say that kind of stuff too??
*Bribing people!!!!
48. You play "Bottle caps" and erasers with various
countries' flags printed on them.
Author's note : Ooo I know my bro used to have a collection of that
49. Large, colourful schoolbags were carried.
Author's note : Eek.. I thought was bodypac or something, the very simple one col bag that warrant for a lifetime or something
50. You brought every single book to school, even
though there was one thing called the timetable.
Author's note : No i was very 'guai' aka good gal. I pack my bag daily haha
If you do not remember or experience most of these, it
means you ain't born yet in my generation laugh
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3 days ago
1. I grew up watching dragonball, but strange never got violent.
2. I enter straight into pri4 when 1st come to sing so only saw my juniors brushing teeth.
3. Yes I was forced to buy some chinese newsletter in which I find too easy for me (haha very dao rite?)
4. Very familiar but cant recall.
5. Haha that time everywhere can hear the phrase "Aiyoyo".
6. I was very excited when I signed up for my 1st email address which still remains to be my pri account.
7. I only got a pager in JC2 and like to play with the phone to page but now I have forgotten how to do it.
8. I just remember there are some boliao people who like to fold the ticket into a heart and stuck it at the back of the seat.
9. Only knew these actors from sing.
10. Dont know.
11. Probably not in sing yet.
12. Never go movie so never know cost.
13. Rubbish.
14. No comment.
15. Hmm have some impression.
16. Sing cartoon alot in eng, that time cannot understand.
17. There is something call cable TV.
18. It was a nightmare to read even Enid Blyton cos I was still trying very hard to catch up with sing's eng standard.
19. Study so many years of CME but then realise most people forget about everything in the working world.
20. Last time go Mac is not for food but for the toy in happy meal.
21. I have never say a vulgar word in front of my friends (behind also seldom) and was granted the title 'nerd'.
22. Catching is boring cos I always win.
23. I have tear quite a few.
24. CDIS should be the publisher of your chinese textbook.
25. Only like to play games using computer when young.
26. I liked to spin my plastic bottle to make a tornado inside. Now dont know why cannot already.
27. Got, you never notice only.
28. Have played 3 of them and master 2.
29. Where got ping pong tree? Pong Pong isit...
30. Everytime see them during maths lessons.
31. YES and everytime we beg for ball games.
32. And everytime I wish next year come faster so that I can have another gift.
33. I was not selected cos too ugly, teacher fear will scare juniors away.
34. When I 1st came to sing, my chinese teacher gave me a mid-year exam in my 1st chinese lesson, score 97 and he was OO||
35. My form teacher taught me everything but chinese.
36. School very cheapskate.
37. I agree totally.
38. I had a classmate who was crazy about Jimmy Lin. Now no more liao.
39. Pri1,3and 5 afternoon session, pri2,4 and 6 morning session.
40. No problem in mental sum and chinese dictation, fail every english and science tests.
41. Same here, 1 dollar that's all.
42. Class gathering where got parents one.
43. Dont know why I was assigned to hold a girl's hand and I refuse. She cried and I kanna detention.
44. Till now I still use handkerchief cos I am a tree lover.
45. I collect everything and said that I will save it for future use but I dont dare to use them now.
46. I wrote poems in chinese, my friends wanted to kill me.
47. I liked to say "Dolong la, when teacher away then talk can or not?" and I got elected every year.
48. I used to have alot but now dont know where liao.
49. Big schoolbag with dragonball cartoon on it.
50. Yes becos I am lazy.
Haha so did I born in your generation?
50 things for Singaporean teenagers is alright. Luckily broadband was finally installed in my neck of the woods. I just ordered SBC Yahoo!. It's amazing how much faster you can search through the blogs with SBC Yahoo!! I really like your blog Butterflygalz, I'm bookmark you and come visit more often.
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