Wanted to find the lyrics of this song after hearing the opening in the 2 recent weddings that I attended.
I was told that this is a popular wedding song, and after reading the lyrics i can understand why.
The opening has a very touching effect :
(I do swear that I'll aways be there.
I'd give anything and everything and I will always care.
Through weakness and strength, happiness and sorrow,
for better or worse, I will love you with
every beat of my heart.)
Surprisingly though, i never heard this opening in the radio. Which is the reason why when they played the song, I never recognise it was Shania Twain's From This Moment On.
Here is the lyrics : (you can find it at the link attached to this blog too)
"From This Moment On"
(I do swear that I'll aways be there.
I'd give anything and everything and I will always care.
Through weakness and strength, happiness and sorrow,
for better or worse, I will love you with
every beat of my heart.)
From this moment life has begun
From this moment you are the one
Right beside you is where I belong
From this moment on
From this moment I have been blessed
I live only for your happiness
And for your love I'd give my last breath
From this moment on
I give my hand to you with all my heart
Can't wait to live my life with you, can't wait to start
You and I will never be apart
My dreams came true because of you
From this moment as long as I live
I will love you, I promise you this
There is nothing I wouldn't give
From this moment on
You're the reason I believe in love
And you're the answer to my prayers from up above
All we need is just the two of us
My dreams came true because of you
From this moment as long as I live
I will love you, I promise you this
From this moment
I will love you as long as I live
From this moment on
Last note : I am only interested in the lyrics, not in getting married yet "p Anyway I doubt this will be my wedding song also. Too common haha.
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