Ok had been trying to watch SATC daily but of coz it is abit tough to keep this habit. there are days I would be juz too tired to switch the comp on even ... ='( (a droplet of sweat not tear)
anyway i reached till this epi already. Where Carrie will finally get to meet a guy she really loves, willing to change for him, willing to forget the Mr. Big whom she once thought is her crush, or crash as she had termed him. Watchin SATC makes me wonder, is it really true tat city life would make a gal cynical. I see how cynical they could be, and how bitchy they could be too. At times, their ideas, their thinkings are just way too off my limits. These are 30-somethings gals who has a successful career, glamourous life, indulges in simple or expensive pleasures, depending on how you judge it.
I love the shoes they buy, the food they eat tho =D. It seems like their restaurants are always very cool and interesting. But I do believe I cannot watch too much of SATC =D. coz I will get influenced easily by their ideas. Their persistence to being an independent woman who doesn't need help, and yet some times they just wished to be rescued. It really do enforce a point, that woman, no matter what age you are, will always be unsure of what she wants.
Oh and talking about the 'regardless of age' theme, The episode that has 20 something gals and the foursome, was an interestin episode. It was said that 20 something girls are just lost on what they want in life still. That's why they idolise the 30 something women who can make a statement! However I was wondering, yet in love life, all women are lost until found =D
Budget 2025: $5billion more for reclamation and coastal protection
Another $5 billion will be injected into the Coastal and Flood Protection
Fund. For solutions including sea walls, tidal gates and reclamation. For
3 days ago
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