Before I begin this email blog tho, i would like to tks the Blogger Support staff, Graham. Just realised that I didn't thank this staff for the help rendered.
Ok I finally watch Sweet Home Alabama. In some sense, Mel is a girl dressed to the nines, with a career as a fashion designer that many would envy. At least I would coz I could wear clothes that nobody else has. =D
She chose to leave her useless husband and pursue a career, becoming strong and yet self-deluded. While I admire her for her dedication in her career, I feel that she should never disregard her roots. In short, I would say she is a lost girl.
Anyway between Tiffany and Glassware, she chose the Glassware. But I would say that the glasses are pieces of ART, very pretty and unique. And most importantly, they were her true love. I wonder if I become very capable, will I start becoming lost and look down on everybody. Everything has a price to pay, even a successful career.
Another movie I watched was the Stepford Wives. About a country of 'robots' perfect wife who actually used to be some big shot which suffered a nervous breakdown when their career collapse and the husband had an affair with their assistant. It makes me wonder about the definition of perfect. When would a husband call the wife a perfect wife? When would the wife praise her husband as a perfect husband? Does being obedient constitutes to it? Being a homemaker really can make a marriage stays stable?
Seriously what will the woman be in the near future or even in the present world. What type of behavious do we need to possess. It is indeed true that in the past, you can find woman in S'pore who can cooks but now, maybe only a handful knows how to cook. Is this a reversal of role?
I wonder how woman should behave...
Budget 2025: $5billion more for reclamation and coastal protection
Another $5 billion will be injected into the Coastal and Flood Protection
Fund. For solutions including sea walls, tidal gates and reclamation. For
3 days ago
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