Was reading this article because of the following paragraph.
“ Today’s times are uncertain, we have just had a federal election with an unexpected and challenging outcome, the US is realising that a double dip recession is on the cards. The Europeans are just coming back from holidays and realised that the world does not get better after a siesta but that their problems must be tackled head on.”
- by a Finance Director of a big company which I don’t wish to divulge though you are entitled to guess
My sentiments exactly! While later on (i.e. today), the election probably had unlocked its deadlock (not really my business though I happen to read its headlines today while waiting for my colleague to go to office together.. fate brought us to be in the same apartment and level.. though considering she came here earlier than me by a week, and The Blackman was opened just a few weeks ago thus having some opening special, it is no surprise why we both chose to stay here haha.. admit it, we just got good tastes!)
Anyway I digress (as usual). My main focus of this post is I find their quotes in the article highly entertaining and would like to share…
There’s no worse feeling than that millisecond you’re sure you are going to die after leaning your chair back that little bit too far.
##Well fyi, their chairs do have that tipping edge and I have witnessed people caught unaware of it..
I keep some people’s phone numbers in my phone just so that I know not to answer when they call
##Good strategy!
‘Do not machine wash or tumble dry’ means I will never wash this, ever
##Hee hee I like this because living in a zen life now, I have to do handwash for all my clothes (well there is a washing machine somewhere in this room but I need to save $$ .. and save Gaia!) thus I welcome buying clothes with that tag I guess.. just kidding!
How many times is appropriate to say ‘What?’ before you just nod and smile because you still didn’t hear what they said?
##Depends on mood I guess. Sometimes I just nod immediately if I had concluded on the spot that…
Sometimes I look down at my watch 3 times and still not know what time it is
##Hmm have you been looking? Maybe is the time zone difference?? Haha
Budget 2025: $5billion more for reclamation and coastal protection
Another $5 billion will be injected into the Coastal and Flood Protection
Fund. For solutions including sea walls, tidal gates and reclamation. For
3 days ago